Our Ministry to Children

It is our goal at EBC to help train children in the way that they should go
(Prov. 22:6)
One important lesson of life we want to teach them is how to have real joy.  We teach that real joy comes from loving Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last as is taught in Matthew 22:37 -39
We believe that in addition to teaching children truths from the Bible, they are to learn how to serve others at very early age. At the same time, kids need to be kids, so having fun is part of the plan as well! To facilitate this, our Wednesday night program alternates between Bible Study, Mission Projects, and Game Time. Our Sunday School program is full of Biblical truths presented by teachers that love the Lord and have a lot of wisdom to share with our children.
So each day we pray that you will check us out and see that EBC is a great place to have your children learn about God and all the many facets of life that have been designed by Him.